The most effective lithium-ion battery fire suppressant agent in Australia.
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Oxygen Displacement
By applying an ample layer of CellBlockEX to cover the battery fire load, oxygen availability around the fire is reduced, effectively starving it of external fuel.
Phase Change and Isolation
CellBlockEx melts at 815°C, well within the range of a lithium battery fire. The phase change from solid to semi-liquid acts as a heat sink, dissipating energy, while forming a denser, impervious hard shell around the fire load. The formed crystalline capsule around the battery prevents ignition of surrounding areas of energy density, including adjacent cells or batteries in proximity.
Flammable Gas Disruption
Thanks to CellBlockEX multicellular structure, flammable gas is directed into physically isolated micro-pores. This action divides the gas into smaller concentrations below the ignition threshold, effectively impeding its flammability.
Sorbency of Fire Gases
The micro-porous structure and dry surface of CellBlockEX enables it to bind to large flammable molecules and vapours, thereby reducing their overall volume. This process limits their potential contribution to environmental ignition or toxicity.
Although CellBlockEX and Vermiculite both offer environmental and health benefits, their fire suppression capabilities differ significantly. While Vermiculite provides some level of protection, it lacks the active fire suppression capabilities of CellBlockEX. In direct comparison, it outperforms Vermiculite in effectively suppressing fires. For detailed test results illustrating this distinction, we encourage you to watch the accompanying video.
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